
Kat Vyce's Blog

For now at least, this blog is mostly about my garden in Alberta


my garden

Dividing lamium, and the rest…

Wheat grass and Artemisia aren’t the only plants I hope to divide this spring. I also have some lamium maculatum (dead nettle) that I’d like to cover a greater area at the side of the house. So I looked this up too, and found there are many ways to propogate lamium including dividing, pinning stems to the ground to encourage them to set roots further out from the main plant, and taking cuttings from fresh, non-flowering stems that can then be dipped in rooting hormone and placed into wet soil.

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The original lamium plant, which is now about 4 times the pictured size.

Continue reading “Dividing lamium, and the rest…”

Divide and multiply

2018 will be my garden’s fourth summer, and there are several plants that seem established enough to handle being divided and replanted. Two I have in mind are my wheat grass and silver mound artemisia plants.

Continue reading “Divide and multiply”

Of mice and moles

Or possibly voles. Continue reading “Of mice and moles”

The mildest fall

We’ve had a few dustings of snow since our first snowfall at the start of October, but in between it’s been incredibly mild. Most days it’s still around 10degC, Continue reading “The mildest fall”

Planting in the Snow?!

In my last post I mentioned that I had decided not to buy bulbs this year as I wouldn’t get time to plant them. As you may have guessed, I caved. Continue reading “Planting in the Snow?!”

Bulbs for the season

At this time last year I was busy planting bulbs ready for the spring. I bought so many, more than I managed to plant! Continue reading “Bulbs for the season”

Gardening gloves

Much mulch

There are enough plants placed carefully in my garden now that the whole space could look lovely with the right framing, and the absence of weeds. Continue reading “Much mulch”


As I am building up my garden on a budget, I have started by focussing on plants that will continue to pay me back for years. Continue reading “Perennials”

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